The Magic of Cord Cutting: What Is Cord Cutting?

The Magic of Cord Cutting: What Is Cord Cutting?

Hello, My Lovely Whimsies! 

I wanted to kick this blog off with a question that had me digging into things about six or so years ago. It's what got my spell work started, and helped me get to where I am today. Hearing there was a way to cut off someone, or something, that no longer served you was so enticing to me. It also sounded way too simple though, from the view of it I was getting from the media. If you're like me, it can be scary to delve into your first spell workings, or even think about being able to do them. This can be seen as a 'boss level' spell when it comes to practicing witchcraft. There are many small details and factors to consider when it comes to the actual working in and of itself. For example; If you are unable to be objective in this spell it could end up causing repercussions for both you and the parties involved.  While I do not recommend doing cord cuttings for anyone's first spell, I do want to shed some light on what this working is and how to tell if it's something one should consider. 

Energetic Ties & How They Can Influence Us

Every single person has energy, it is where our power comes from. Things like our emotions, environment, and circumstances can all have an impact on our energy for better or worse. When relationships are made, so is an energetic tie. The whole universe is made out of a woven web of these ties, between beings, items, and other energy sources. This can be a great thing if the relationships are good ones. However, it can also take a toll if relationships were never good or turned sour at the end for one reason or another. Even going no-contact with a person, the tie made remains. In some situations, the draw of this tie can be so immense that it repeatedly lures you back in or continues allowing an unequal or completely one-sided exchange of energy. 

Is A Cord Cutting Right For You?

That is when cord cuttings come into play - this ritual allows you to sever the energetic bond made between you and someone or something. If you want to get really fancy with it, one can even add to this ritual a calling-back of their energy or inner power that has been taken from them without their consent or intentions. It sounds amazing, doesn't it? Can you magically wipe anyone from your past or present that you do not want to influence you? Unfortunately, like with all workings, there is a price for this. You must discern, and be positive that the loss of this tie will be for the better for you and/or the other party. Once these ties are severed, they cannot be restored. New ties may be created, but they will be far weaker than before. Energetically, it is a clean slate for better or worse. 

This magical working is not one to be taken lightly, one of the many reasons that I do not suggest it as anyone's first working. They do not always go as planned; some connections are stronger than others, and sometimes there is a battle between the energy trying to let go and the energy that does not want to lose the source it has been using so freely. Due to this, it may be necessary to do a second, or even a series of, cord cuttings to get the desired results. 

Before purchasing or completing a cord cutting ritual, consider some things carefully. Is this tie something you are ready to have severed? If you are not one hundred percent sure that you want them out of your life for good, I urge you to wait. If events are coming up that will put this person back into your world, or they are an integral part of your work, family, or spiritual life and cannot be avoided - this is likely not going to be the most effective working for you either. This working is for the spiritual and energetic 'baggage' you are ready to cut off and throw out, not the ones you'd like to tuck away in a box in case later you find comfort in it. Another thing to consider is how it could potentially affect your other relationships. In cutting ties from your ex, it could have a fraying effect on your relationship and ties to those this ex introduced you to and was your main in-between for. 

Cutting Ties From The Past

If taking the step of cutting ties with a person sounds too intimidating for you, there are other options. For example, if you formerly shared a home with siblings or roommates that you no longer want ties to, it is possible to cut your ties with the dwelling that was shared. If you broke up with an ex, but do not want to lose a friendship completely, there's the option of cutting the energetic ties with anniversary dates or a significant number or area from that relationship. These places, things, and symbols all hold memories and therefore they hold energy that can connect us to them. Sometimes, if a tie is particularly strong - a cord cutting from a person and the associated places or dates could both be cut to ensure the process is complete. 

Cord Cutting Alternatives 

Overall, if it is thought about long and hard and you conclude that this working or ritual is not for you, then there are other options! That's the beautiful thing about the craft - there is always more to learn. more to explore. For lesser cases, or something short-term, I would recommend a freezer spell or sticky trap. These are spells that could curb the influence people have over you and allow you time to either work through issues or decide that you are ready to take the step of cutting them off completely. 

Cleansing the Past and Protecting Your Future

Last, but certainly not least - I want to talk about protection and cleansing. When doing witchcraft for yourself, or others, always be mindful about the energy you are calling forward and interacting with. I highly recommend beforehand ensuring you have protective measures in place. This can include things such as casting a circle, having wards in place, using protection sigils before or during the spell work, or any other rituals you may have to evoke protection of your energy and space. Afterwards, I also highly recommend cleansing your space and energy with any of the following methods - sound, smoke, shakers, or bathing. 

Now that you know a little more about what a cord cutting is - What do you think? 

If there are any other topics that you would like to learn more about - feel free to let me know. 

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